
Mastering the Flanking Strike Macro in World of Warcraft: Secrets of the Shadow of Death (SoD)



In World of Warcraft, mastering your class’s abilities can make the difference between victory and defeat in both PvE and PvP scenarios. Among the most critical skills for certain classes is the Flanking Strike, an ability favored by Hunters in the Survival specialization. With the advent of the “Shadow of Death” (SoD) expansion, understanding and effectively utilizing a Flanking Strike macro has become even more crucial for maximizing damage output and utility.

Understanding Flanking Strike

Flanking Strike is a signature ability of Survival Hunters, allowing them to deal a high burst of damage by commanding both the Hunter and their pet to strike the target simultaneously. The ability’s dual strike mechanics make it not only a powerful damage dealer but also a tactical tool for focusing down high-priority targets quickly.

Key Points:

  • Damage Output: Flanking Strike deals damage from both the Hunter and the pet, with a chance to generate additional Focus.
  • Utility: Beyond damage, Flanking Strike can be used to reposition pets, which is especially useful in kiting or controlling enemies.
  • Focus Generation: The ability generates Focus, which is essential for sustaining other powerful Survival abilities.

The Importance of Macros

Macros are essential in World of Warcraft for several reasons:

  • Efficiency: They allow players to combine multiple actions into a single button press, improving reaction times.
  • Customization: Macros enable players to tailor abilities to their playstyle, ensuring that they can execute complex sequences with ease.
  • Consistency: By automating certain actions, macros help maintain consistent performance, particularly in high-pressure situations like raids or PvP encounters.

Creating a Flanking Strike Macro for SoD

When crafting a macro for Flanking Strike, your goal is to maximize the ability’s utility and damage potential while ensuring ease of use. Below is a basic example of a Flanking Strike macro that can be customized based on individual preferences.


  • #showtooltip Flanking Strike: This ensures that the tooltip for Flanking Strike is displayed when hovering over the macro button.
  • /cast [@target] Flanking Strike: This command directs the ability to be used on your current target.
  • /petattack [@target]: This ensures your pet attacks the same target you are focusing on, syncing your damage output.


  • Shift Modifier: When holding down Shift, the macro will cast Muzzle instead, allowing for quick interrupts.
  • Ctrl Modifier: Holding Ctrl will activate Trueshot Aura, syncing it with your Flanking Strike for burst damage.

Optimizing Flanking Strike Usage in SoD

  1. Target Priority: Use Flanking Strike on high-value targets, particularly those that need to be burst down quickly.
  2. Focus Management: Use Flanking Strike as a means of generating Focus when low, but avoid overcapping Focus.
  3. Pet Control: If using a pet with special abilities (like a stun), consider integrating those into your macro for seamless execution.
  4. Timing with Cooldowns: Sync Flanking Strike with other damage-increasing abilities or potions for maximum burst.


Q1: Can I use the Flanking Strike macro in PvP?

A1: Absolutely. Flanking Strike is highly effective in PvP due to its burst potential. The macro helps ensure that your pet is always attacking the correct target, which is crucial in fast-paced PvP encounters.

Q2: How can I modify the macro for a specific pet ability?

A2: You can add a specific pet ability to the macro by using the /cast command. For example, if your pet has Growl (for taunting), you could add /cast Growl within the macro.

Q3: What should I do if the macro isn’t working as intended?

A3: Double-check the syntax of your macro, as any typos can prevent it from functioning correctly. Ensure that the spell names and pet abilities are correctly spelled and that there are no unnecessary spaces or characters.

Q4: Can I include defensive abilities in the macro?

A4: While it’s possible, it’s generally recommended to keep offensive and defensive abilities separate for greater control. However, you can include abilities like Aspect of the Turtle with a modifier key if you prefer.

Q5: Will the macro automatically target enemies for me?

A5: No, the macro assumes you’ve already selected a target. However, you can modify it to include targeting commands like /targetenemy if you want it to automatically select the nearest enemy.


Mastering the Flanking Strike macro is a critical step in maximizing your performance as a Survival Hunter in SoD. By customizing the macro to fit your playstyle and understanding the nuances of the ability, you can enhance your gameplay, whether you’re raiding with friends or battling in the arena.

For more tips and advanced strategies, continue experimenting with different macro configurations and stay updated on patch changes that might affect the mechanics of Flanking Strike. Happy hunting!

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