
The Ultimate Guide to Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides



In the world of quests and adventures, it’s not uncommon to find strange and peculiar tasks. One of the most bizarre yet intriguing missions is the challenge to bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 hobgoblin hides. Whether you’re new to this quest or a seasoned adventurer, this guide will walk you through the essentials, ensuring you can complete the task efficiently and impress the legendary Blorbo with your cunning.

Who is Blorbo the Shrewd?

Before we dive into the details of the quest, it’s important to understand who Blorbo the Shrewd is. Blorbo is a well-known figure in the land of adventurers—a cunning and intelligent being known for setting near-impossible challenges. His reputation spans across the realms, and he’s respected (and feared) for his wit. If you can complete his challenges, you’ll gain not only rewards but also the admiration of the adventuring community.

Blorbo’s fascination with hobgoblin hides stems from their unique properties. Known for their toughness and durability, hobgoblin hides are coveted in the crafting of armor, bags, and various tools. Thus, collecting these hides isn’t just about gathering random items; it’s about understanding their value and bringing them to someone who appreciates their worth.

Understanding Hobgoblins and Their Hides

Hobgoblins are ferocious creatures that roam the lands in packs. They are humanoid, standing taller than goblins, with brute strength and tactical intelligence. Their hides are incredibly thick and tough, making them excellent material for crafting armor or other durable goods.

When embarking on the quest to bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 hobgoblin hides, it’s essential to know where hobgoblins can be found, how to defeat them efficiently, and how to properly collect their hides.

Preparing for the Quest: Tools and Equipment

Before setting off to collect hobgoblin hides, it’s vital to ensure you are well-equipped. This mission is not for the faint-hearted, so preparation is key.

  • Weapon of Choice: A strong sword or enchanted weapon is ideal for taking down hobgoblins. Their thick hides require powerful blows to penetrate.
  • Armor: You will face multiple hobgoblins at once, so sturdy armor is a must. Preferably something that can resist blunt force and punctures.
  • Skinning Knife: Once a hobgoblin is down, you’ll need a sharp tool to skin the hide effectively. A well-honed skinning knife will do the job quickly and cleanly.
  • Healing Potions: Hobgoblins are known for their aggressive attacks, so having a few potions or healing spells on hand is advisable.

Where to Find Hobgoblins for the Quest

Hobgoblins typically dwell in forested areas and mountain ranges, often near their fortified camps. These camps can be challenging to infiltrate, so it’s recommended to go either alone or with a small, stealthy group to avoid detection.

Some of the most common places to find hobgoblins include:

  • The Shaded Woods: Known for being a dense forest, this area is crawling with hobgoblins. You’ll likely encounter several small packs here, which is ideal for gathering hides.
  • Mount Grimstone: A more dangerous location but home to larger hobgoblin tribes. If you’re looking to complete the quest quickly, Mount Grimstone offers the chance to collect a large number of hides in one go.
  • The Ruins of Gol’Tul: An ancient battleground now overrun by hobgoblins. The ruined fortifications make this area tricky to navigate, but it also serves as a strategic point to ambush hobgoblins.

Best Tactics to Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides

To succeed in collecting the hides, it’s essential to be strategic. Hobgoblins are cunning and fight in groups, making them dangerous if approached without a plan.

  • Stealth First: Avoid rushing headlong into battle. If you can quietly take down a hobgoblin or two from the outskirts of a camp, you’ll weaken the group and make it easier to handle the rest.
  • Divide and Conquer: Hobgoblins rely on their numbers for strength. If you can lure a few away from the main group, you can tackle them in smaller, more manageable skirmishes.
  • Use the Terrain: Forests and mountains offer natural cover. Use the trees, rocks, and hills to your advantage, positioning yourself where you can strike without being seen.

Collecting the Hides: What You Need to Know

Once you’ve successfully defeated a hobgoblin, it’s time to collect the hide. Hobgoblin skinning is not an art, but precision matters to get the most valuable parts.

  • Clean Skinning: Use your knife to make long, careful cuts along the hobgoblin’s torso and limbs. This ensures you get a full hide, which is more valuable than smaller, torn pieces.
  • Preservation: After skinning, immediately store the hide in a cool, dry place to prevent deterioration. Hobgoblin hides tend to rot if left exposed to the elements for too long.
  • Counting Carefully: Remember, Blorbo specifically asks for 25 hobgoblin hides. Keep track of your count to avoid wasting time with unnecessary extra hides.

Why Does Blorbo Need 25 Hobgoblin Hides?

While Blorbo’s motivations are often a mystery, there are several theories regarding why he needs these particular hides. Some say he is crafting a new line of enchanted armor, while others believe he uses the hides to barter with other powerful beings. Regardless, completing the task of bringing him the hides will undoubtedly result in a handsome reward.

Rewards for Completing the Quest

Once you successfully bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 hobgoblin hides, the rewards can vary based on Blorbo’s whims. However, past adventurers have reported receiving:

  • Rare Weapons: Blorbo is known to gift rare, enchanted weapons to those who impress him.
  • Gold: A hefty sum of gold is a common reward, enough to fund future expeditions or purchase better gear.
  • Increased Reputation: Completing one of Blorbo’s quests significantly boosts your reputation among adventurers and traders alike, leading to more lucrative opportunities.

What Happens if You Fail the Quest?

Failure is always a possibility, but with proper preparation, you can minimize the risks. However, if you return to Blorbo without the required 25 hobgoblin hides, it’s best to prepare for a tongue-lashing. While Blorbo doesn’t punish adventurers directly, he may blacklist you from future quests, which would be a blow to your adventuring career.

Conclusion: Completing the Journey to Bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 Hobgoblin Hides

The task to bring Blorbo the Shrewd 25 hobgoblin hides is no easy feat. It requires a blend of preparation, strategy, and bravery. By knowing where to find hobgoblins, how to defeat them, and the proper method of collecting hides, you can complete this challenging quest with ease.

Once completed, you’ll not only earn valuable rewards but also solidify your reputation as a capable adventurer. So gather your gear, head to the hobgoblin-infested lands, and show Blorbo that you are worthy of his respect.


How tough are hobgoblins compared to other creatures?
Hobgoblins are tougher than goblins and can be more challenging to defeat due to their size, strength, and intelligence. Their thick hides make them resilient in battle.

What tools are essential for skinning hobgoblin hides?
A sharp skinning knife is crucial for cleanly removing hobgoblin hides. Additionally, carrying preservation materials, such as salt or a drying cloth, can help prevent hide deterioration.

Is it necessary to bring exactly 25 hobgoblin hides to Blorbo?
Yes, Blorbo is very specific. He asks for exactly 25 hobgoblin hides. Bringing fewer or more hides might not meet the quest’s requirements.

Can I complete this quest with a group?
Absolutely. While it’s possible to complete it alone, working with a group can make the task easier, especially when dealing with large packs of hobgoblins.

Why does Blorbo care so much about hobgoblin hides?
While Blorbo’s motives are unclear, hobgoblin hides are valuable for crafting durable goods. It’s likely he uses them in trade or for personal projects.

What is the best location to find hobgoblins?
The Shaded Woods and Mount Grimstone are both great places to hunt hobgoblins. These areas have high concentrations of hobgoblins, making it easier to gather hides.

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