Ap Management Control Systems


Prehistory is a science that reconstructs all aspects of human life in the past before recognizing writing from abandoned objects (artifacts, eco-facts, characteristics) and studying historical traditions, that is, a behavior or pattern of life in Prehistoric times that still stands or lasted until people recognized the writing. The writing is used as a boundary from prehistory to historical times because the writing shows a high civilization culture. In prehistoric times, people already knew science, they somehow learned to determine the hardness of minerals and how to silver axes and pottery.

According to this approach, culture shock is an experience of transition from a state of low awareness of self and culture to high awareness of self and culture (Adler, 1975; Bennett, in Chaldelaine, 2004). According to this approach, culture shock occurs because they can no longer use their cultural references / values ​​to validate important aspects of their personality. For example, if you believe in his birth culture that he is a good boy because he never drinks in bars, he does not have free sex with the opposite sex, etc. But in the new environment, he cannot use the “good boy” rule as used in his home culture. In a new place, this condition actually labels him as an old-fashioned, old-fashioned, and old-fashioned child. In this process, people often question the beliefs they once held, and even question their self-concepts that were previously believed to be. This often creates its own crisis for the individual.

Ultimately, efforts to overcome culture shock must not only be carried out individually, but must also be carried out skillfully and seriously by agencies or institutions involved in intercultural exchange. For example, in international schools, with students from different cultures, it seems necessary to provide guidance and programs aimed at helping students to adapt to different cultures. Attention is also needed for companies that have expatriates or send their employees to be assigned to places other than their original culture, providing them with adequate training, understanding and training, to achieve employee productivity as they are free from culture shock. Ultimately, multi-party efforts are expected to lead to more satisfactory results.

Specific research on how they adapt to the new country or culture they have visited has not been widely publicized by Indonesian researchers. In general, however, the phenomenon of the arrival of migrants to this new country has inspired several researchers to investigate the adaptation of these international students. Although several studies have been developed from different approaches, consistent results have been found, that is, there are problems with the adaptation of these students (Charles & Stewart,; Das, Chow & Rutherford; Searle & Ward, in Chapdelaine). , 2004).

When anger and frustrations arise against the new culture and the tendency to criticize the new culture is very strong, individuals should stop for a moment to think and analyze the problems more objectively (Guanipa, 1998), and not to generalize. It is also very important to keep in mind that you do not rush into stereotypes, it may be that the mistakes people make in a new place are not a question of culture, but a question of the character of the individual. In other words, people should avoid confusing personal problems with cultural problems. That is, the person with the disruptive character. It can be found in any culture, including the culture of origin itself, so there is no need to blame the new country on the responsible party for the inconvenience you are experiencing.